Spider Queen Hairband - DIY Spooky Spider Fastener

This is a super cute costume and is even cuter with a matching Spider Queen head accessory. 

All you need are a few simple items to make this easy DIY Spider Queen beauty

1. A headband
2. Tulle
3. Plastic spiders
4. Black ribbon
5. Black felt for spider body
6. Black pipe cleaners x 4 for spider legs
7. Glue

To make this head band all you need to do is the following
1. Cut out spider body as per template you can find here.
2. Wrap 4 x pipe cleaners and 1 x length of tulle with spider body and glue underneath.
3. Glue bottom of spider with tulle to headband.

To finish this off  all you need to do is 
1. Add some ribbon lengths to the top of the spider legs I just hand tied these on with a small knot.
2. Glue plastic spiders to tulle and ribbon lengths.
5. Wait to dry and its ready to wear !

It is really a cute costume accessory when made, and is super simple that mums and dads should be able to make one of these in under 10 minutes

Enjoy making your own

KJ  xoxo

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