DIY Kids Headband & Accesories Holder

Where the Magic is has an easy DIY Kids Headband, hair elastic and accessories holder anyone can make from home.

My inspiration came to me when my toddler started getting more and more headbands and I had nowhere to store them nicely.

As a thrifty DIY'er i knew that i didnt want to spend alot of money (if any), so i thought about what i already had at home and how i could make it work for my new diy mission.

After thinking about it for a little while I realised that I had the perfect item at home all along !

As a mum of a toddler girl I have acquired over a short period of time, quite a few formula tins; and better yet, it was the perfect size for exactly what I needed, and as I already had some the cost for this project so far was $0.

After decorating my baby girls room I still had half a spraycan left of the perfect paint which I could use to spray the tin with, a pastel light aqua chalk paint which is also rust proof! Perfect protection.

Again acrylic or enamel paint will work great as well and if you already have paint at home that your child likes, you might as well use that.

This next step wasn't necessary as the tin can be easily stood upright and still hold the headbands but I wanted mine to sit flat without rolling.

So what to do for the base?

Well everyone has a spare plastic container lid sitting in there cupboard which dosnt seem to have a bottom to call home, so that's exactly what I found here.

Just the right size for the width of the tin, but you could use any alternative, like some wood, thick cardboard, an upside down saucer or anything else you can think of or nothing at all.

DIY Project cost so far $0.

So after spray painting the tin and the bottom I decided to leave the lid see-through and the original gold colour as it contrasts nicely and matches great with my girls room.

The next step was to glue the base on. 

Like I said before this can be skipped altogether as it works just as well standing upright, and if you don't have a hot glue gun, strong craft glue should also work fine, or if you are using a wood base you could even screw it on (but be sure to taper the ends of the screws to avoid injury to little fingers).

Wow that's it, project finished in a short afternoon, and it's cost nothing at all !

Now it's time for the fun part! 

Get your little girl to pretty up her new and amazing crafty Headband and Accesories Holder with all her cute headband pieces!

Fill the inside with her faviourite hairbands, hair clips, combs, brushes, or even trinkets.

No more mess !

Now both mum and daughter are happy to have a tidy new space to store little hair things!

I hope you enjoyed this easy DIY and it has inspired you to make your own little hair accessory holder yourself !

KJ    xoxo


  1. Such a great idea, my girls are not little anymore so no empty tins around my house but I am sure I can get some from friends. Thanks for a great DIY project
