With the two most important rooms finished in the dollhouse I have now moved my attention to the main living area.
Because the room, like the kitchen, is on the bottom floor, it's actually a pain to work on.
To put the wallpaper up, I had to lay on my stomach.

The living area started off originally as this kitchen, but after pulling up the floor and laying new wood, i decided to make this side the new living area.
As i didnt want to buy anything, I looked through my fabric pile and found a bright fun print which worked great with my tropical boho theme.
The flowers are quite big, but I think that is a good thing as it adds alot of colour to what might have been a boring wall.

For the dividing wall between the lounge room and kitchen I chose to continue the faux bricks which I put on the kitchen wall, and used the rest of it to create a feature wall with a fireplace.

The fireplace was inherited with the original doll house and actually lights up, but again it was pink and I didn't like the look of it.
So to make it match I sprayed it a pastel aqua.

I then added some faux bricks to the facing to match the main feature wall, coloured the cartoon flames printed behind the glowing one black and added some faux wooden logs using balsa wood.

The fireplace was starting to look cozy, but defiantly needed a rug and cushion for it to be fully enjoyed, so in this end of the room, I added a large faux fur white rug and pink seat cushion.

The cushion was made by using some thin pink lycra, wrapping it around some thin foam, and then gluing.
I then used a needle and thread to create these fake buttons on the seat and glued a rectangle piece of fabric to the bottom when it was complete.
The cushion looked great in the end and has inspired me to continue the buttons on the lounge going on the other side of this room.
I made a pet cushion also from some silver lycra, however I didn't put any buttons on this one.
For an even more cozy feel, I made two more pillows which will go into the bottom of the wall unit in case someone else wants to sit by the fire.

These were made from the same fabric used on the curtains in the bathroom, and the pom pom scraps from the rug and chair i made in the master suite.

For the wall unit I made two squares, and covered them in the same fabric as the master bedroom fabric wall.
I then added shelving to both units using balsa wood and stacked them together.
I accesoried with some tropical pinapples, a bright print, a cactus, a mini boomerang etc
The next thing, and probably the most important piece of furniture which I needed to make next was the lounge suite.

I chose a bright teal light felt fabric to make the lounge from my fabric pile,
It matched the flower wall nicley and after putting the armchair and couch together with balsa wood, I made the rest with this fabric.

I made several cushions for the back, sides and bottom, however I don't think it's actually wide enough, so once the reveal is over I plan on making a new better lounge for this space.
I added two buttons to the top cushions using the same method as I did on the pink cushion near the fireplace.
I also made a small foot stool using the same fabric as the wall, along with a matching cushion to tie it all together.
Next came a pink throw which matches the fireplace seat.
I repeated this on the main lounge added another silver cushion which matches the curtains and a small denim looking throw which is actually light cotton I hemmed.
The tropical cushion on the large couch turned out a little big, but when the new couch is in, hopefully it won't look so huge.
I also added another large faux white rug to go on this side of the room, matching the one in front of the fireplace.
I also made a side table and coffee table.
The side table is just a plastic bowl I found which was flat on the bottom, which i turned upside down, sitting on top of a coaster shaped like a mini record.
The coffee table is made from a round piece of 3mm acrylic glued on top of a plastic baby bottle cap, giving it a clear modern feel.

I added the New York Times Post to the table which I inherited with the house.
For the display cabinet in the living area, i used another piece of inherited furniture that came with the house, the doors open and it lights up anything displayed inside.
The original.colour was cream, purple and pink, so I used the same aqua paint as the fireplace and spray painted this unit the same colour to match.
For all of the curtains in the house, I simply drilled a hole in the walls and screwed some hooks in place which I had lying around to hang them.
I made the drapes from the same silver fabric I had used on the pet and lounge cushion.
Its a light silver shimmer lycra which hangs nicely.
For the curtain I used a bamboo place mat and cut them to length.
I left it approx 2cm longer than needed and rolled the bottom up and glued it down.
As the bamboo was held together by cotton, it would have fallen apart when hanging it, if i didnt glue the ends down.
I then spray painted the curtains a light grey colour (same as kitxhen cabinets) and attached a pole from a bamboo skewer on top to hang it to the hooks.

I also spray painted another plastic foot stool grey, which was a bright orange, to match the rest of the decor.
With christmas approcahing and the big reveal being on Christmas day, I also added a Christmas tree.
I originally had a silver bottle brush tree with pink ribbon wrapped around it, but it was very spiky, so I replaced it with this one which plays music and spins around.
I added some cute bright summer vibe paintings to the wall, framing them with paddlepop sticks and gluing them to the brick feature wall above the fireplace.
I also added a big tv and some popcorn which came in a ,new lounge Barbie pack' i found cheap at the shops.
It also came with a tv unit which im going to use in the study, the orange foot stool I painted and a bean bag which I will also se in one of the bedrooms.
So for now the living area is complete
I will be changing the lounge in the New year and will post an update of this, but in the mean time I have to begin another room...
I have one week, two bedrooms, 2 stairs, and a study to do!!!
KJ xoxox

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